Frequently asked questions.

+ Why visit Jamieson Dental?

We are a full-service dental office that puts our patients' needs first. We focus on offering a welcoming and friendly environment for all, including children. We are different from other offices because we take the time to sit down with each new patient to understand their needs. If dental treatment is required, we will provide you with options based on your budget and expectations

+ Why is it important to visit my dentist regularly?

Not only do regular professional cleanings help to prevent cavities and gum disease, but recent studies have also shown a connection between the overall health of your body and good oral health. We also carefully examine your teeth and tissues to find any problems when they are small to avoid more serious and costly consequences.

+ When should I bring my child for their first visit?

Children should have their first dental visit and cleaning by the time they are 3 years old. We like to introduce them to the dental environment with fun and entertainment so that they can explore their surroundings and learn about their teeth comfortably. Alternatively, if you have any questions about how to care for your baby’s teeth, we can do a consultation and brief examination anytime after their first teeth erupt.

+ I have a fear of the dentist, how can you help me with that?

Relax! It is normal to be a bit apprehensive before a dental appointment. Allowing a stranger access to your mouth with some funny instruments can be a bit unnerving for some. We have laughing gas sedation available to those that request it. Laughing gas is a mild sedative, which means it will give you a relaxing and slightly euphoric feeling but does not “put you to sleep” so you will still be conscious and present during the appointment. It is a very safe procedure; you will leave the appointment with no ill effects and even be able to drive yourself home or return to work. It can also be a great tool for nervous kids to improve cooperation for the dental procedure.

+ Why should I be flossing my teeth daily?

Brushing can clean plaque and food debris from most areas of your teeth, but the bristles do not reach between them. The teeth are touching and the only way to clean these surfaces is to slide floss through the contact. People who brush regularly are still at risk for cavities and gum disease in the most common area – between the teeth. We provide instruction on these techniques at your regular cleaning visits.

+ Can I fix my chipped front tooth?

Depending on the size of the chip there are multiple options available to you. If it is tiny, the jagged edge can be smoothed and re-shaped to conceal the chip. Larger chips may require bonding of white filling material to restore the shape and cosmetics of the tooth. If a large portion of the tooth is damaged, then a porcelain veneer or crown may be required to ensure a reliable and long-lasting restoration.

+ Can I straighten my teeth without getting braces?

You can improve your smile without metal wires and braces. Clear plastic aligners are virtually invisible. They are removable to make eating and cleaning your teeth easy and comfortable. They can also be removed for a special occasion. This series of custom-made aligners are changed regularly and each one gently shifts your teeth into their proper position. Ask our staff if Invisalign is right for you.

+ Why do I wake with headaches and sore jaws?

Many people clench and grind their teeth while they sleep. This overexertion of the jaw joint (Temporal Mandibular Joint or TMJ) can lead to muscle spasm and joint pain along the side of the face. Grinding can also result in irreversible wear of the enamel and shortening of the teeth. Often a plastic splint called a night guard can be worn during sleep to help alleviate these symptoms.

+ Can I whiten my teeth safely?

At home whitening trays are one of the easiest and most comfortable ways to whiten your teeth. Custom trays are fabricated from impressions taken of your mouth. You apply the gel nightly and you can achieve a beautiful white smile within several days usually with less sensitivity than other methods.

+ Why bother doing a root canal? Don’t they just break or have to be taken out down the road?

When a tooth has a crack, a large filling or a large cavity, a root canal is done to save the tooth from an extraction, prevent possible serious infections and alleviate pain. We do this by removing the infected nerve and bacteria from the inside, but after this is done, we end up with a more fragile situation. Therefore, we usually suggest that you protect the investment you made in a root canal with a crown.

+ What is a crown and why do I need it?

A crown goes a step beyond what a filling is capable of. It can be a tooth coloured restoration or made of gold. It surrounds your original tooth and caps it so your tooth is more resistant to breakage or cracking. Crowns are recommended in cases where teeth have large fillings, or small cracks to avoid root canals or extractions. It is also strongly recommended to cap the tooth after a root canal to give the tooth back some strength that it lost.

+ What are dental implants and what does the procedure involve?

A dental implant is a prosthetic replacement for a natural tooth that was lost. They are also commonly used to provide dentures with great retention to allow you to eat, speak and smile with ease! Implants are a more conservative way of replacing teeth than traditional bridges because we do not need to use the surrounding teeth that are left to hold in the prosthetic tooth. It is placed where the natural root of the tooth used to be within the bone. Once the bone has healed and accepted the implant, we will be able to attach a new tooth or denture on top. You will be left with a durable and aesthetically pleasing long-term restoration that closely mimics what nature created and requires only basic maintenance. It is the only tooth replacement option that preserves your precious bone, which maintains the position and health of your other teeth as well as providing support for the soft tissue of the face to maintain an overall aesthetic appearance. If you would like to learn more, Dr. Lu would be happy to provide a consultation to discuss how this exciting branch of dentistry can help you!

+ Is it bad to have a metal implant in my body?

Metal implants are made of medical-grade titanium, which is of a similar make-up to the titanium used in hip and knee replacements. They are generally very safe and biocompatible and have been used in medicine and dentistry since the 1950s. If you have any more questions about the safety of implants, Dr. Lu would be more than happy to discuss it with you!


Office Information

(519) 220-1002

Monday:  9am – 8pm

Tuesday:  9am – 8pm

Wednesday:  9am – 8pm

Thursday:  9am – 5pm

Friday:  9am – 5pm

Saturday:  9am – 1pm

Sunday: Closed


180 Holiday Inn Dr, Unit 4

Cambridge, ON, N3C 1Z4

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